Tuesday, June 20, 2006

How to have a winning year

In sports you often hear of a winning year. Winning more games than you lose. A record of 9 wins and 7 losses. What if we applied that to our lives? Have a winning day, then week, month, and then year. More good days than bad days, good things than bad things.

Do what successful people do and model those things then we will have a winning year like they have had.

Leonardo Da Vinci: lived over 500 yrs. ago and drew blue prints for the first sub-marine, helicopter, built the first extendable latter, rotating stage, folding furniture, first water powered alarm clock, built a ditch digging machine, first fire alarm system although it back fired and flooded the restaurant. What led him to being such a great success? 1. Learning like crazy. The average CEO reads 4-5 books a month, the average american reads less than 1 book a year and mainly 1 chapter. Study the coaching site, read the training emails, attend all live trainings. The average CEO earns on average 536 times the salary of their average employee. You will be the same person you are today years from now except for the stuff you learn. 2. He would set goals, ask detailed questions, and focus on the solutions of well worked questions. What am I doing when I'm the most happy? What am I doing when I'm making the most money? How do I accomplish this goal? How do I do this? Maybe write a journal for those you care about for each person, your family, etc...

A little kid will find a way to go after their goals. They are not scared. If we are afraid to do a certain thing like OurGV we can't be afraid to take risks. Just like a kid that jumps in the water to be caught. We will catch ourselves with our passion determination and what we become from working on ourselves.

Avoid gossip...talking ill of others. Don't spread the venom of lies and negative ideas.

Encourage others all the time. Lift them up through all the tough times that life brings about.

Teamwork. Encourage eachother on to higher levels of success.

Don't say you don't have time. We all have time...it's how we manage our time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible. Thank you!