Saturday, June 03, 2006


  1. Winners believe they deserve to win.
  2. Winners believe with passion.
  3. Winners determine their futures. Losers let it happen, winners make it happen.
  4. Winners have focus. Set goals. Goal achieving not tension relieving.
  5. Winners expect the best. You will not get what you want but what you expect. Expectation causes motivation.
  6. Winners exemplify integrity.
  7. Winners visualize in order to realize. Imagination + simulation = realization. Everything started with an idea.
  8. Winners practice to perfection. Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect. We recall what we've learned. We store as reality everything that we have experienced. Our storage does not tell the difference between real experience and visualized experience. It takes more than 21 days to create a habit. Like submarines...Silent and deep.
  9. Winners persevere through rejection. Rejection is learning. Most successful people are comfortable with failure. You are going to win some and lose some. Sometimes our lowest point allows us to focus and look deep inside on what it takes to succeed.
  10. Winners share the glory. Never forget who pushed you up to success.

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