Thursday, June 15, 2006

How do I build a team?

For the sake of this article "Jackson" is the many people in home business that don't do anything and wonder when their checks are going to come.
in the beginning, people act like they are new, and don't deserve to be a leader.

Most new people feel like they have to stand in line before they become a leader in their business. Before they cast the vision and spread their confidence throughout the world. Because they don't spread the vision the production is down. Because the production is down they don't make money as fast as they'd like. In my pond I have a big turtle, enormous... And then I went online and bought a new small tiny turtle... I was wondering how my new little turtle would do with the big turtle...

my new turtle is ready, owns the pond...

if we are not giving, we are not receiving

The new person is usually focusing on the "check fairy".

if I act like I'm new, like I don't know what's going on,
I am messing myself up. I need to not be a "know it all" but be a entrepreneur who wants to build a business. I have to start casting the vision.

We reap what we sow, if we sow nothing,
what will we reap?

I need to be better at giving. What do I need to give? Energy, time, passion, discipline, commitment, money...

people like Jackson don't focus on what they can give,
but on what they can get.

How will I be a good recruiter if I think of what I can get.

I need to give my people, give them, love them.

Do not train them, you bring them here,
you are giving them the oppty of a life time.

Jackson type people, his goals sheets, a massive sign that they are not really working on themselves. That they have not solid goals, they do not have great expectations, that they are not looking at what they do everyday...

Focus on the goals.
People don't want to hear this.
They focus on what they can get.
It's not comfortable to focus on what we can do better.
A good coach would help them focus on what they can do better,
and do their goals sheets.

I don't want a wish list.

I want to get them done -my goals.

I don't want to be someone who just talks.

How many of us know people that are just talkers.

We are learning to shift paradigms.
Now that I am becoming a different person,
I start
-have to start
doing different things.
I need to focus on my goals sheets.
On the goals sheet:
there is a question there:
What could I have done better?
Isn't that huge?
bc I can be learning what I need to do better.
The reason why I don't know these things is not bc I don't know them.
but bc I'm not asking myself the right ?'s

I need to go to trainings, to learn how to build my team.
Under the Getting started section:
Who do I know?
that's the answer.
Go to Getting started, and read, watch,
and concentrate, not just watch, concentrate.
Who do I know?
How to use the System?
Owning my own business
Compensation plan
Using OPE

In the Coord. Call, they talk about Leads.
To build a team, I need to learn
how to work with referrals, w/m
Get my attitude straight.

The more I learn
the better my attitude will be,
the more confident I get
the better I get
the better/bigger my team will get.

Like to get in s hape,
I need to watch my diet,
do strength training
and card exercises.

People know this.
Does not mean it's easy.

What if I told you the next person you signed up would make you $1K?
Would you find a way to sign them up?

We know how to build a Team,
we already know,
it's a matter of just doing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible stuff. I definitely need to make sure people are reading this Blog. I love the "check fairy". I love your little turtle who already "owns" the pond. If I could bring my Team here and they read this, some of them would understand, and they would "own" their business. Instead of waiting in line, for someone else to lead, for someone else to inspire, for someone else to motivate, for someone to light a fire. They would "own" their business NOW. Instead of sitting there, waiting for the "check fairy". Man oh man. I'll get them here. I don't know how come I have not gotten them here earlier. Just talking about it or emailing them is not enough. I'm getting it done. Thank you!