Saturday, June 24, 2006

Play Beautiful Music

Your mind is like a central processing unit in a large computer network. It is accessed, influenced and programmed by several operators, or sources. All data inputs affect and influence other data. All incoming information is immediately available to influence data being processed by any of the individual users. New information, whether true or false, can immediately alter operations in every other area.

Your subconscious mind is your central processing unit. Your main job in achieving any goal is to reprogram this unit so that what you think, feel and believe becomes the mental equivalent of exactly what you want to experience and enjoy.

The access ports to your subconscious are both internal and external. Internally, you are affected by your thoughts, your mental pictures or imagination and your feelings. Externally, you are influenced by your suggestive environment, by everything that registers on your conscious mind. You are affected by what you do, say, hear, see, read, watch, listen to and, especially, by the people you associate with and the conversations you participate in. Each of these influences can trigger or stimulate one or more of the other influences. All of them in combination have created, and are creating, the person you are today, and every aspect of your life.

When you think a thought, for any reason, if often triggers another thought, or even a stream of consciousness that takes you far away from the original thought. Your mind rushes on, like a torrent, carrying you toward your goals or away, depending on the amount of mental control you choose to exert.

Your thoughts trigger images or pictures consistent with them, and these images can lead from one to another and away from the thought that triggered them in the first place, or back toward it.

Thoughts or images trigger emotions of all kinds. Your feelings themselves trigger thoughts and images, which can then trigger additional feelings, and so on.

The thoughts you think, the images you hold, the feelings you experience trigger words and actions consistent with them. If you are thinking about your goals, if you can see your goals as already realize, and if this thought makes you feel positive and enthusiastic, you will speak positively and act effectively as you go through your day.

What you read can affect your thoughts, images, feelings, words and actions, and these can in turn influence what you read next. The people around you, your conversations, will influence how you speak, walk, talk, and behave.

The tapes you listen to in your car, the shows you watch on television, the online trainings, videos, advanced trainings and all things you do each day will all affect the person you become and they will, in turn, affect, multiply, diminish, increase and alter other influences and other stored information.

In addition to all of these factors, your past experiences, your reinforcement history, good or bad, colors your attitudes and perceptions toward everything that happens to you, and around you.

If this sounds tough and complicated it is. Your mind and your life are like a room full of musicians, all playing different instruments and different tunes, and all trying to get your attention. Amidst all this confusion, is it any wonder that the great majority feel that they are not in control of their lives? Is it any wonder that most people would rather be doing something else, somewhere else, and in many cases, with someone else? Is it any wonder that most people feel that they could be doing much better than they are, but they feel helpless to make a change? This situation is both the great challenge and the great opportunity of your life.

Your main job, in taking control of your life and your future, is to become the conductor of your own orchestra. You must take control of the internal and external aspects of your life and get them all playing in harmony around a central theme of your own choosing. Your job is to play beautiful music with your life, to make your life a great performance.


Anonymous said...

Powerful info to take to heart. Mark

Anonymous said...

Yes! I feel I play very beautiful music, and that I also have no idea how much more beautiful it's getting as we speak. Each day is a new surprise, a new movement in this beautiful symphony. Thank you for Everything my dear Mr Schapiro!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Because we are each a different and unique instrument, and a different and unique artist playing the instrument, and we are all part of this big orchestra, playing the beautiful music of the universe, of the creation. Without one of us or without our music, the whole symphony woult not be complete, it would miss something, for we are each an indispensable component of the whole. We are necessary, indispensable to the whole. And as we each strive to play our song to our fullest, to vibrate our instrument to it's fullest, to be and live and thrive and vibrate and give everything we are to the world, we are then playing our fullest song, and the music of the world is complete and full and perfect and beautiful. Thank you for your song.

Anonymous said...

This makes a lot of sense. Even though it makes a lot of sense, it can be the most challenging thing a person could ever do - take control of their lives, especially when they aren't used to it. However, once it occurs, then life is outstanding!

Anonymous said...

When the music of the human spirit finds its role in our lives, it lifts our consciousness to rise above the negatives. I see in this blog the gestalt. It is so true.... Each of us must filter the music, words, emotions, sounds and visual impressions through a higher level filter. I work on it daily. Thank you so much for this reminder...reinforcement!!!
Truly the lighted path.

Anonymous said...

Jim said, " Oh thank you. I never realized it before, my lfe is like a whole collection of well developed musicians all trying to do their own thing & my output comes accross too much like orchestra warm up, a big loud unpleasant noise. It's loaded with powreful potential, but it doesn't show it untill I do what has to be done to put it all together & transform it into a concert really worth presenting.
'Your mind rushes on, like a torrent, carrying you toward your goals or away, depending on the amount of mental control you choose to exert.' What a truth!"