Thursday, June 22, 2006

?'s from field

If there are no businesses signed up in the area, how will people shop?

if you are brand new, go to see more presentations, to the shopping mall, over 11,000 stores,
we're missing something...
to sign up businesses in every area is not the focus at this point...
first it's the non profits, bc they already all have places to shop on the website.
if your friends or your family don't shop online that is ok
bc are there other people in the communitythat do shop online
or will
if nobody in the community shops online
that is good bc they probably will
if i'm the one who introduces them to this,
they will all shop through me, so this is big,

is there probably not enough time spent on training
in general?
if we go to the Getting Started... it already talks about
how all the stores are there etc
it will help to learn more about the business,
it takes a little research
we just want to turn it on, flip the switch, put some batteries,
we don't spend enough time learning
if i go to a health club
would it save me a lot of time if i learnt
first what the regime will be?
let me learn a lot so i can do it easier
more productive
great question, bc this is somebody who is asking the ? so they can feel more comfortable
if it is really quick stuff we can answer it quickly
otherwise we can point people in the right direction
this person is very serious
if someone says they don't have time to go read the website,
so if i act like i have apearl now
that is my problem
if i'm acting like this is one of my key players
and i feel like i need to spend my time with this person
and they are not as serious as i am
so i'm the one having a problem.

people are so excited that someone wants to talk to them
and that is my problem

there are over 11000 stores
first we build the customer base
then it's easy to walk into the store and
tell them: hey i have this pta, i have this customer base,
so it's simple

if all the stores in my area are already signed up
then how good is that to me?
so now we need to focus on building the customer base.

How late is too late?
I would not stop at 9pm.
If you are very focused on your goals, then you have to do what you have to do to hit them.
For them, they want to get the information.
Some won't want to be called at 9pm or 10pm.
If i'm new in the business,
and i have strong goals,
i don't want to sacrifice that,
like a new Dairy Queen,
they'll stay open.
If the only time i can have the hours is at night,
and my goal is to quit my job forever,
and the only time i can call people is at night,
shouldn't i be calling them late anyway,
and then be able to quit my job forever.

Quitting at 9pm
depends on your goal.
If your goal is a net worth of 100 million dollars,
would it be logical to work 24/7?
Wouldn't it be not logical if you quit at 9pm?

I was told to be studying all the time,
not watch tv, studying all the time,
and i was like... yeah right

but it changed, as my goals became bigger.

If they have a goal of 100 million dollars,
and they are not working 24/7,
could we call them on their nonsense.

If someone is mad bc i call them late at night,
does that mean that now i call 2 hrs less per night?

I'm loosing 5hrs so i'm loosing half of thehours that i'm putting in, on a weekly basis,
do you think i' might be at my job longer than i want.

If i have 5 people that are cutting back 1h/day,
that would be 25 hs /week
wouldn't that be 100hs /month?
kind of scary huh?
but it all starts with us,
we are the leaders.

What if i had 100 people in my team?
I mean 100 active people,
100 business builders,
so if each cut 1h/day
wouldn't that be 100 hrs/day
2,000 hrs/month?

oh man
that is no fun

le'ts talk about working 2hrs extra /day
and i have 100p following my lead
then isnt' that 200hrs extra a day
isn't that 1,000 hrs extra /week?

that sounds pretty exciting right?
it all starts from us.
if we're sitting there like jackson there,
we can't even get one person going,

we see the peace sign here
the only difference bet your business
and marita's business
it's not the prods or the comp plan
it's the difference bet you and marita

bc how many of you have the same
prods and comp plan as marita

when she was new,
she could not get anybody,
bc she was on the lower end of the scale
and when she got to where she is now,
through sheer work and work
and invest and invest
and she is confident and passionate etc
you think, woow, she is incredible,
but you forgot what she did for how long..

Mark failed for longer than you even considered
being in business,
for years, while you were not even a thought,
not even considered being in business,
mark was busy failing.

There is a learning process,
when you start, there is something called:


everything is rosy,
you think you turn your website on and you're going to get wealthy
you don't know what you don't know...
like driving a car,
we thought it was easy...
the computer techs have a hard time with me,
bc i tell them do this,
and just click, i'm unconsciously incompetent
i have no clue about anything...
in your job when you started
15yrs ago, in construction or in whatever
you didin't know how to do that
you started doing something
and you became


now i realise thati don't know what i'm doing
i don't know where to look even
i'm hitting the gas when i mean to be hitting the breaks
when i try to walk i get up and i fall down,
my job, the supervisor was telling me to put the pizza in the box, and i don't even know how to do it...
you are consciously incompetent...
you've been there,
we've all been there
let me study the script
i'm going to be


if i pay attention
if i really pay attention
and i study the script
let me see how i can get this person in the v.r.
let me do my goal sheet every night
oh i need to stay excited
i need to focus in this

with the driving
i have to make sure i watch where i'm going
so i'm not hitting anybody
i have to hit the gas
and i have to sit there and think about it
i have to think about what i'm doing
like a baby
i have to think about making 1 step
2nd step
i have to think
it's notmuch fun

when were unconsciously incompetent
it was more fun,
we had to think of nothing,
it was more fun,
so some people want to stay there......

then we finally do it long enough,
we learn how to do the job
and after a while
ah man no bid deal
here is the pizza,
we know how to drive
we know the business
is this is a pyramid deal?
no, were you looking for pyramids?



your skin sack could not walk around
but we forgot
we forgot we didn't know how to take the pizza,
that we forgot that we didn't know every job we had in our lives,
that we didn't know how to drive around,
same here...

what if you remembered?
would you be more comfortable?
more optimistic?
the future

do you think most entrepreneurs
kind of expect to go through the same process

do you thinnk Michael Jordan
when he went to play baseball
-which he was not as good as as he was in basketball-
that he understood the process
so he was still a good baseball player
but he had not played baseball for as long
not failed as long

some people could do ourgv easier, faster
you could sign someone tomorrow
that signed up 20 deluxes in 1 day,
but why could they do that?

bc they were more confident,
had done more?
had a better network,

the rest of us are still on our way up there...
but isn't it better to work our way up
than to settle for just staying down there..

where does the first ripple start
in me
notjust financially,
butlet's talk about your boyfriend, girlfriend,
do you think the people around you appreciate that you are happy?
have you ever come out of a coaching site positive and excited?
but when you are excited and posistive
don't you givbe more?
give an extra kiss to your wife,
some more to your family, your neighbour?
wouldn't you be giving more?
would not your self esteem rise as you start hitting certain goals
if your self esteem raises
can't you love me more?
can't you be more patient with my shortcomings?

you used to be positive for 3hrs?
now you can be positive for 8hrs
now even while you sleep you are positive
and there are smiles coming out of you

if your family is feeding off of that,
are you providing a positive environment for them?
and they benefit
and they can impact other people around them?

so instead of a team of pig pens (not sure of the spelling)
we hav a team of happy people.

so we help our family,
then the community,
the city,
the state,
the country
then we help the world become impacted.

chad they told me,
you can focus on changing the percentages,
but you can change it for your family,
and other people can impact their family,
and then we can all make an impact around us.

Goals sheets,
focus on that.
Get consistent with that,
very very important for your foundation.
It might feel consciously incompetent,
it might be a little uncomfortable for you
but it might be the most important thing
that you've ever done in your life.
it really could be
bc it gets you to be thankful for what you had today
what you could to better
what tomorrow could be
not what the special at walmart is,
that is not that important as
doing your goals.
if there are glitches and stuff,
you can send an email,
you can send me quesitons at
and for mr yeh,
for non profits questions.

End of the month.
it is up to us to work with that urgency,
we don't work with that urgency,
we have to get that urgency first,
not our team,
and then we wonder where our check is.

if our team does not have the urgency,
who didn't have it first?
if our team does have the urgency?
who had it first?
it is always me ...

if we pack today's briefing,
the q&a session,
the briefing, the shopping call
then the coffee call,
then the briefing,
if do all this stuff right,
then saturday will be gigantic....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really learned a lot fromt he different levels of competence. It all makes such sense now. Thank you!